
There are a number of steps that have been made to reduce the risk of Covid19 in our School. 

Government guidelines are followed at all times, with a focus on keeping children, staff, families and visitors safe.  If at any time you are feeling unwell with one of the coronavirus symptoms, please remain at home and visit for the latest information.

A full copy of our current Risk Assessment is below.

Please note, our procedures may be subject to change at any time as the national and local risk levels change.  If your child attends our nursery, please ensure we have the correct contact information for you and your Teachers2Parents account is set up so that we can contact you quickly. We will also endeavour to ensure the website and social media pages have the latest information @chertseyns

In our school:-

  • Home visits will not take place, all children will be offered a settling in session in school, with a limit on the number of children and adults present at any time.
  • All parents are required to use hand santiser on arrival and support their child to do so.
  • Specific start times have been allocated on a child's first day only to reduce the number of adults in the classroom.
  • Children are grouped into one of 3 bubbles - 2s, 3s and SEND (Green class).
  • Start and finish times vary for each bubble to reduce the number of adults onsite at any time.
  • Parents can enter the building to support their child to settle at drop off. All children are taken to their parents outside the building at collection times.
  • There are separate entrance/exit points for each bubble. 
  • If parents need to speak to the office staff, they can enter the main doors, alternatively they can call the office on 01932 562225 or email
  • Arrows and fooprints have been painted on the path to the school to enable parents and children waiting to be socially distant from each other.
  • A system has been introduced for parents/children entering and leaving the premises to reduce contact.
  • Parents are asked to contact the office as soon as their child is not attending due to a Covid19 symptom - see flow chart below - What do do if your child is unwell.
  • Parents are asked to inform us if they are taking any overseas travel, as this could  impact on the return date of your child due to quarantine. 
  • Children are not to bring items from home, such as soft toys or other comforters - only school bags/book bags with changes of clothes.
  • Visitors are not permitted onsite without a prior appointment. All visitors will be Risk Assessed to determine if they are required to wear a face covering or other PPE.
  • The EYFS Curriculum will be followed at all times, resources have been reduced and additional cleaning is in place. No resources are shared between bubbles. 
  • The outdoor classrooms are an integral part of the curriculum and their use will be maximised. 

There is a wealth of information on the internet to support parents - visit the Department for Education site to find out more about what parents and carers need to know.


Please visit the testing website to book a test online or call 119. There are a variety of local test sites that you can visit. 

Risk Assessment

To view a copy of the current Risk Assessment for May 2021, see the document below. Note this is a working document and will be updated regularly. 

There are a number of additional control measures in place for our Festive Events - to see this risk assessment - click here

Continuity Plan

A number of measures are in place and being developed so that our organisation can continue to provide a continued offer in the event of a partial, local or national lockdown. An overview of this can be viewed, please see plan below.

Home Learning Plan

We will support children who are at home if there is a bubble closure or if there is National Lockdown that limits attendance at Nursery.  There are a range of activities that you can do with your child at home on our 'At home today...' news page, as well as lots of stories read by staff.  Please use the links to find out more!

As stated avove, in the event on a bubble closure or National Lockdown, we will:-

  • Share an activity each day that parents and children can do together
  • Staff will send home videos stories 
  • Staff will make regular contact wtih parents and keep in touch with children through the use of Tapestry 
  • Parents will be encouraged to share photographs and observations of the activities that the children are going at home and create a two way dialogue
  • Parent feedback meetings will continue through virtual platforms or over the telephone, as will other meetings lead by staff and other professionals. 

Other useful documents are also below:-

What to do if my child is unwell 

Continuity Plan

Covid19 Parent Letter - September 2020



Document Title View
Risk Assessment and Recovery Plan May 2021 Risk Assessment and Recovery Plan May 2021 v6.pdf324.83 KB
Covid19 Parent Letter - September 2020 Covid19 Parent Letter - September 2020.pdf648.84 KB
Continuity Plan Continuity plan v2 Oct 2020.pdf152.76 KB